Read our Plant Sale FAQ before placing your order.
For local pick up only. We do not ship plant starts.
Native Plant Starts come in a 3" deep square pot.
Our plant starts are Certified Naturally Grown. We use organic and non-GMO seeds, organic compost-rich potting mix, and naturally-derived fertilizers.
Plant Profiles
Aromatic Aster - Symphyotrichum oblongifolium - Slightly more compact and branching plant, reaches 2' tall. Leaves are aromatic but flowers are not. Tolerates dry soil. Great late-fall food source for pollinators. Perennial.
New England Aster - Symphyotrichum novae-angliae - One of the last food sources for bees before the winter & the last colorful flowers in the garden. Blooms August-October, plant reaches 5 feet tall. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Perennial.
Smooth Blue Aster - Symphyotrichum laeve - Prolific blooms provide an abundant source of nectar for pollinators before the winter. Smooth Blue Aster reaches 4' in height and blooms August - October. Perennial.
Bee Balm - Monarda fistulosa - also known as Wild Bergamot, Sweet Leaf, & Monarda. Lavender-hued flowers bloom in this plants second year of growth. 4' tall, plant in full sun or partial shade. Perennial.
Black-Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta - Cheerful yellow daisy flowers that are a classic choice for a native garden. Establishes easily. Will flower in its second year and re-seed itself. Perennial.
Blue Sage - Salvia azurea - Vivid blue blooms on Blue Sage make a lovely companion to autumnal yellows and oranges. Tolerant of drought. Host plant for the Hermit Sphinx moth. Blooms August - October. Can reach 5' tall. Perennial.
Blue Vervain - Verbena hastata - Small purple flowers on stiff upright stems. Likes soil with more moisture and grows up to 5' tall. Blooms July - September. Perennial.
Boneset - Eupatorium perfoliatum - Tall white flowers with textured leaves, growing 4' tall. A beautiful and easy to grow addition to the native garden. Prefers moist soil and full sun. Perennial.
Butterfly Weed - Asclepias tuberosa - Bright orange flowers attract Monarch butterflies & other pollinators. 2'. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Perennial.
Coreopsis - Coreopsis lanceolata - Easy to grow wildflower with cheerful yellow blooms, 2' tall. Tolerates dry soils and thrives in full sun. Perennial.
Echinacea - Echinacea purpurea - Also known as Purple Coneflower. A beloved native medicinal plant. Often flowers in its first year if planted in medium to full sun, reaching 4' tall. Perennial.
Little Bluestem - Schizachyrium scoparium - Native grass with blue-hued leaves in summer that shift to copper tones in the fall. A gorgeous native grass for landscaping. 3' tall, tolerates dry soils. Perennial.
Milkweed, Common - Asclepias syriaca - Important food source for Monarchs. Easy to establish and fast to grow. Let the pods mature and go to seed to increase the stand. Perennial.
Rose Milkweed - Asclepias incarnata - Beautiful pink flowers have a slight scent of vanilla. Tolerates growing in many soil conditions. Great pollinator plant. Perennial.
Pearly Everlasting - Anaphalis margaritacea - Soft, silvery green foliage with pearl-like white and yellow flowers. Host plant for the American Lady butterfly. Blooms in late spring. 2' tall. Perennial.
Prairie Blazing Star - Liatris pycnostachya - Tall purple spikes attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Plant in full sun to partial shade, grows to 4' tall. Perennial.
Prairie Sage - Artemisia ludoviciana - Silvery blue foliage is gorgeous next to goldenrods and asters. Prairie sage spreads by rhizomes and can be aggressive in it's spreading habit - be careful to control growth if planting in a small space. Perennial.
Rattlesnake Master - Eryngium yuccifolium - Beautiful pale green/white spike flowers. A host plant for Black Swallowtails and resistant to deer & rabbit browse. Plant in full sun, reaches 4' tall. Perennial.
River Oats - Chasmanthium latifolium - Ornamental grass with flowers that look like flattened hops. Great for borders and holding soil in place. 3' tall at maturity. Perennial.
Rose Mallow - Hibiscus laevis - A beautiful shrub-like plant with delicate rose-type flowers. Plant in moist soils. The stem can grow to be 1-2" thick by the end of the first year. Perennial.
Side-Oats Grama - Bouteloua curtipendula - Small red flowers hang from one side of the stem at maturity. Deer resistant and a host plant for beneficial insects. Perennial.
Wild Quinine - Parthenium integrifolium - Dense clusters of white flowers bloom on 3-4' stems, attracting Halictine bees, wasps, flies, and beetles. Typically found in dry, open prairies. Perennial.
Yarrow - Achillea millefolium - White umbels bloom atop feathery stems. A great medicinal plant that benefits pollinators as well. 2-3' tall, tolerates dry soils. Perennial.
For more detailed growing information, we recommend visiting the Prairie Moon Nursery website where you will find a wealth of information on growing native plants.